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Affirming Words About Our Work

“Nick Howard brought the exact right mix of leadership and personal life coaching to the table that augmented my 30 years of management and leadership experience; raising my leadership to a level of impact and performance. Due to the speed of change in the world today, I am convinced that I am not going to be qualified for my executive level job in the next 5 years if I do not take a learning posture. I wholeheartedly endorse Nick to help you grow as a leader and navigate the challenges of a turbulent world more constructively.”

Mark Hanlon, Senior Vice President of USA

Compassion International, Colorado Springs, CO

“I was a successful, experienced vice president with 10 years of executive leadership behind me, but I thought I’d try it [one-on-one executive coaching]. And it changed my life, literally, in so many ways. I found I welcomed the chance to discuss difficult issues with a professional skilled in organizational management. Over time, the coaching became a gift that renewed my commitment to lead well. I became more powerfully equipped to navigate challenges constructively and build meaningful relationships with each student, employee, and parent I served. But the biggest transformation was the result of Nick’s biblically-based approach to leadership. He encourages leaders to get close to God, to pray over issues, to read the Bible daily, and to listen to the Spirit.”

Vinita Sauder, PhD, MBA, President

Union College, Lincoln Nebraska

“I never felt the need for leadership training or seminars – let alone one-on-one coaching. But, given where I wanted to take my organization, I sensed I needed outside perspective and guidance. My desire was to create the culture in my organization so that, one day, I could hand off leadership to others who would continue our mission. Working with Nick not only lays the foundation for future leadership transition, but as we work I experience incredible growth and confidence as a leader, our people step into new roles through transformative conversations, and our relationship as a team has deepened – we are closer than ever before.”

Evan McBroom, Former Owner/Creative Director

Fishhook, Inc., Indianapolis, IN

“Working with Nick Howard has been a complete game changer. My emotional, physical, and spiritual life has been more impacted in one year that I ever thought possible. It has changed my family, my leaders and my self, to my very core.  One could be so lucky to find such a coach and be able to call him a true friend. I pray that every ministry leader could could be blessed with such a friend as him.”

Lance Poelman, Former Area Director

Young Life, Oswego, IL

“Working with Nick Howard has brought unexpected benefits. I have reconnected with my personal leadership style, and have really appreciated Nick’s insights on leadership and spiritual development. The work has been rewarding and an excellent investment.”

Dave Crane, Former Regional CEO

Amita Health, Chicago, IL

“My work with Nick Howard has shaped me into a better leader at Compassion International. His coaching brings an excellent mix of encouragement, strength building, sound personal and business advice along with a regular dose of reality when I don’t see things clearly or have a good grasp of the facts. My work with Nick has helped bring a balanced perspective across not just my work life but my personal life as well. Even though my  coaching sessions have only been over a relatively short period of time I always feel like I am connecting with a long-term mentor that has my best interests in mind and desires to see me be the leader God desires me to be.”

Jeff Wood, Vice President of Finance and Administration

Summit Ministries, Colorado Springs, CO

“I was surprised by the benefits that I received by entering into a coaching relationship with Nick Howard. I have grown as a leader in ways that I did not imagine. My skills as a leader have been increased and I have acquired a more fulfilling approach to life as a whole. Dr. Howard is a uniquely gifted Christian leadership coach who will serve you remarkably well.”

Mike Cauley, D.Min., Former President
Florida Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists, Winter Park, FL

“Nick Howard has a unique gift in helping Christian leaders. Unlike many leadership development consultants, he knows how to address core issues in a leader’s life and bring lasting, positive change. You (and your organization) will be glad you worked with him.”

Kevin Miller, Former Executive Vice President

Christianity Today International, Wheaton, IL

“Dr. Nick Howard is a skilled professional with a heart for God. Nick understands pastors and the culture in which they work. My research in clergy-psychologist collaboration, clearly highlights the importance of pastors finding spiritual friends, such as Pastor Coaches, to support them in their ministries. Nick Howard is such a person, gifted and called to serve the Church.”

Mark R. McMinn, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, George Fox University

Author of “Integrative Psychotherapy: Toward a Comprehensive Christian Approach

“The training and coaching work with Nick Howard in our conference over the past several years has truly raised our performance as leaders, strengthened our sense of community, and deepened our commitment to a shared vision. Nick has gone out of his way to understand our culture and call us toward our highest values. Investing in leadership development through Nick Howard has been undeniably worthwhile.”

Ed Wright, Former President

Georgia Cumberland Conference, Seventh-day Adventists, Calhoun, GA