
My healthcare work was in faith-based organizations where the mission was to extend the healing ministry of Christ. I viewed my leadership as part of that mission and always worked to represent the Lord well in every phase of my work.

Because of my passion for leadership development, I engaged consultants in the field and was struck by how their work strengthened our leaders and teams. Through the encouragement of one such consultant, I earned my coaching certificate from the Hudson Institute in Santa Barbara, California (which is also where Nick and I met).

I have been coaching professionally since 2002, and have really enjoyed seeing many leaders grow and live richer lives professionally and personally through our work.

Among the many amazing attributes of Jesus, it is my personal conviction that Jesus was the greatest leader and coach of all time. His role modeling inspires and guides my coaching work. I am deeply grateful to be His disciple, and to work with leaders who are seeking to become more spiritually and emotionally mature as a part of fulfilling their callings.

My wife Darleen is a retired nurse and we have two adult children and four fabulous grandchildren. We enjoy hosting a small Bible fellowship group in our home and are active in our church. I serve on the governance board and teach in one of our bible classes.

Beauty is one of my core values and that for me includes various things like music, art, landscape and architecture. Darleen and I are blessed to enjoy a travel trailer and love traveling and camping, often with our fabulous grandkids.


e: info@finishwellgroup.com